Cecilia Galante’s 蝴蝶守护神  follows the story of two young girls, 阿格尼斯和霍妮, as they realize that the religious commune that they’ve spent their entire lives on is not like the rest of the world–and when all is not as it seems on the commune with its charismatic leader, 这些变化是朝着好的方向发展的. Told in alternating narratives between the two girls, Galante weaves the two (very different) perspectives into an inspirational tale about friendship, 信仰, 疗愈, 和家人.  这本书, 虽然它包含了一些更沉重的主题, handles delicate situations and broaches some serious topics with grace. 双透视图方法允许阅读更多→

The wait was long; the wait was painful; but today the mystery was solved!  《皇冠登录welcome》, Patrick Carman concludes his highly suspenseful, 快节奏的, and tech-savvy thriller duo that started in last year’s Skeleton Creek.  When we left high school best friends Ryan and Sarah at the nail-biting end of Skeleton Creek, 他们被困在废墟里,  surface-mining gold dredge outside their tiny, 与世隔绝的家乡.  Forbidden to have contact with each other, yet bent on solving the sinister mysteries surrounding the dredge’s death-laden past, Ryan and Sarah snuck into the dredge late at night to find a secret room when they were阅读更多→

谁:作家丽莎·凯彻姆.  12-year-old 阿米莉亚 Forrester, spunky, smart and adventurous protagonist – a true newshound.  阿米莉亚的母亲, 苏菲, 她最好的朋友, Estelle – enterprising women seeking new opportunities and freedoms.  A variety of authentic, interesting charaters all working to find their fortunes. 在哪里 & When: A richly detailed San Francisco (also known as Phoenix City), Spring & 职业:新闻女记者, 一个生动的, entertaining and enjoyable novel for middle grade readers that captures both the essence and the excitement of the California gold rush.  When they arrive in San Francisco after the months-long sea crossing through Panama from Boston, 阿米莉亚, 她的母亲和埃斯特尔是阅读更多→

From Publisher’s Weekly:  Five backlist novels and two new titles are featured in Point of View, a fall marketing initiative from Penguin Young Readers Group. 这个活动, which focuses on literary books with strong, 有些挑战性的主题, entails consumer and trade components and aims to connect readers who embraced such novels as Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson to new books with a similar appeal. Peskin快乐, 维京公司执行编辑, 谁编辑了《皇冠登录welcome》和《welcome皇冠地址》, views the campaign as “a great opportunity to give attention to important books by our newer authors, 通过将它们捆绑成更成熟的阅读更多→

Dealing with the aftermath of an accidental shooting, Donny Bailey Seagraves’  离开森林 is a meditation on grief, 愤怒和失落.  11-year-old Daniel has a troubled relationship with his alcoholic father so he finds companionship and a father-figure in his 有趣的-loving uncle Clay.  当克雷给丹尼尔他祖父的 .410步枪,建议猎兔, Daniel has mixed feelings: he wants to spend time with Clay but he has a secret aversion to hunting and killing.  他瞄准了一只兔子, Daniel is unable to take his shot; but in the moment after the rabbit runs, Daniel’s life is shattered when Uncle Clay goes down.阅读更多→

如果B.B.W. 我们不是最坚强的, 街区里最凶猛的狼, 他会成为一个在七大洋航行的海盗, 过着充满乐趣的生活, 冒险和制造麻烦!  Which is why his pick this week for a 有趣的 book & puppet combo is Margaret Mahy’s 可怕的喧嚣 and the Scarlett Macaw puppet.  When Peregrine the Pirate isn’t out at sea, he loves to attend pirate parties and he has 有趣的, 有趣的, 有趣的! The Three P’s like this story too since Peregrine’s Aunt and his parrot, 谁没有被邀请参加海盗派对, 决定举办一个自己的派对. 当所有的鹦鹉的朋友阅读更多→

At the start of their junior year at Georgia O’Keefe School for the Arts (aka Fashion High), 克洛伊, 麦肯齐, 伊莎贝尔和埃里卡是最好的朋友. But over the couse of the year their friendship is seriously tested as each girl faces a variety of personal challenges and has to make hard choices about who she is, 她想要什么, 什么对她来说是重要的.    The story is told through 克洛伊’s illustrated journal as she looks back over a year that has altered the rules of their friendships and their social standing at school. Trying to make sense of everything that’s happened, the story chronicles the trust,阅读更多→

“祝贺你! 今天是你的日子. 你要去伟大的地方! 你走了!——《你要去的地方! Dr. 苏斯的《哦,你要去的地方! 2010 College Scholarship Program for high school seniors. 论文题目:博士. 苏斯的《哦,你要去的地方! delivers an important message about the chances and the troubles that life presents.  Thinking about the book, 哦,你要去的地方!, what kinds of opportunities and challenges do you think your education will present in the future? 1st Place Winner will receive $5,000 to put towards a college of their choice. Applicants must be 12th grade high school students graduating阅读更多→

Andromeda kleina是个不合群的人.  Stringy hair, boy body, oily skin, brittle bones and faulty hearing are just the start. 社会尴尬的, 害羞的, 讽刺的, 在人群中不舒服, 仙女座克莱因 finds solice in the intricacies and minutiae of Renaissance magic, occultism and Tarot and the quiet halls of her deserted local library branch (“the International House of Bookcakes”).  She has no real friends at school and is the subject of frequent teasing and bullying, no boyfriend to speak of and little hope of attracting one, and a dad who is bi-polar and a mom obsessed with online role play.  仙女座克莱因’s only real friend and partner阅读更多→